Posted by: audaxing | December 2, 2010

Night Riding

Night Riding
I love riding at night, especially in the summer and especially all through the night. After midnight the roads are empty and the world is a quiet place.

I like spoke reflectors. I like wearing black. I like seeing round corners with a head torch. I like having a super bright generator powered front light. It’s as if I am riding in a cocoon of light.

It’s great spotting traffic far off on rural lanes by it’s head lights. In many ways this is safer than riding in daylight. Or it would be if it wasn’t for the badgers. No, I’m kidding. I occasionally see badgers at night but they aren’t a problem

How cold is it? Surprisingly cold, even in the summer. Usually the best thing to do is just put on all the clothes you have with you.

Seeing another rider at night is easier if they use a rear flasher. Bikes are about the only vehicle with a red flashing light. But riding right behind a high powered rear flashing light is pretty bad!

The best bit is when dawn breaks
Sunrise at Glastonbury Tor during the 2010 Avalon Sunrise 400.  Photo by Pat Hurt


  1. I’m just about to make the heft investment in LED dynamo powered lights. I’m very intrested in what lights are you using and what can you recommend?

    Have you seen the Busch und Müller Lumotec Lyt light?

    • I’m using a Cyo + a Schmidt hub on the audax bike and a IQ Fly+ a Shimano hub on my commuting bike. Both are good lights but I’d recommend the Cyo as it is brighter.
      If I had to get a new generator wheel tomorrow it would depend on the budget. If I could spare £200ish I would get a 28h Schmidt Edelux. Otherwise I’d get a Shimano N72 £125-ish. See
      For a range of generator wheels. Both wheels do the job, the drag on that type of Schmidt is slightly less and it is lighter. Plus the after sales support on Schmidt hubs is brilliant.

      I have not seen a b&m Lyt but it’s webpage mentions 25 Lux. So it is probably less powerful than the Cyo (60 Lux) or the IQ Fly(40 Lux).

      When I was on holiday in Holland back in August there were lots of lights similar to the Lyt in the shops. I would guess it is the b&m offering for the low end of the market.

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